How to increase blog posts in label page (category page)

 increase blog posts in label page(category page)

By Default  Blogger has set a maximum 20 blog posts in its label page (category page).We can  limit the number of posts displayed in label pages in blogger i.e we can increase or decrease the number of posts
displayed in labels page. If you want to increase blog posts in its label page (category page) 

 follow below steps:

step 1 : Go to blogger --> Dashboard-->template -->edit template

step 2 : Press  ctrl + l  and paste expr:href='data:label.url' in
search box and search then you find expr:href='data:label.url'

step 3 : Replace it with expr:href='data:label.url +
"?max-results=100"', to display 100 post in label.

step 4:  Repeat this process for all instances of
expr:href='data:label.url'  in template.

step 5: click on save.
 we can also decrease blog posts in labels page by simply
decreasing value in max=results attribute. 


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